Der Film

In a little village in the Austrian Alps, there is a former inn. It was a regal industry decades ago, when there were still summer resorts. Here, two sisters were raised.



Sonja is currently a well-known actress and television personality who now resides in Berlin. She's only in her early thirties, yet her career has advanced incredibly swiftly. She has accomplished a lot in her youth, but something seems to be lacking from her life. She keeps her distance from people, perhaps out of self-preservation. She occasionally feels depressed. She always comes across as a little lost outside of her work and professionalism. Homeless.

He makes it out alive, but he is now unwell.

It's also time for Sonia to go back and see her family and the home she grew up in. A new order enters the old partnership as a new chapter begins. The sisters' reunion gradually but inevitably brings to light past disagreements. Each appears envious of the other. Did they truly proceed in the desired manner? Have you mastered the fundamentals of life while you are still in the thick of it? Then my father appeared, so oddly altered. Of all persons, he has let go of his independence and hostility toward his surroundings. He exudes an entirely new sense of calm. As if being aware of his impending demise would make him joyful.

However, he is troubled by a different mystery that hasn't been solved. He is aware that time is running out and that he must take action immediately.

Much has changed as the two sisters observe him on his deathbed as he writhes in pain. Winter is coming, it's November... The two sisters' lives now have new clarity, and there has been a significant reconciliation.

array(3) { ["text_1"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(3) "..." ["text"]=> string(201) "dolorem maxime vero ab perspiciatis id odit aperiam ipsa nam veniam. Harum et asperiores nulla dolorum velit accusamus magni ex dolor quisquam consectetur amet dolorem quidem commodi incidunt porro vel" } ["text_2"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(3) "..." ["text"]=> string(234) "nostrum, error maxime voluptas eum quam laboriosam repudiandae similique praesentium. Aliquam praesentium neque ut nam maiores repellat minus deleniti, unde libero laborum, dolor corporis repudiandae autem corrupti eveniet, et ducimus" } ["text_3"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(3) "..." ["text"]=> string(231) "laborum, dolor corporis repudiandae autem corrupti eveniet, et ducimus fugit. Modi asperiores id reprehenderit consectetur rerum voluptatum corrupti ex quod magnam, ducimus suscipit eius aliquam dolorem sit repellat iure quibusdam." } }


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    dolorem maxime vero ab perspiciatis id odit aperiam ipsa nam veniam. Harum et asperiores nulla dolorum velit accusamus magni ex dolor quisquam consectetur amet dolorem quidem commodi incidunt porro vel

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    nostrum, error maxime voluptas eum quam laboriosam repudiandae similique praesentium. Aliquam praesentium neque ut nam maiores repellat minus deleniti, unde libero laborum, dolor corporis repudiandae autem corrupti eveniet, et ducimus

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    laborum, dolor corporis repudiandae autem corrupti eveniet, et ducimus fugit. Modi asperiores id reprehenderit consectetur rerum voluptatum corrupti ex quod magnam, ducimus suscipit eius aliquam dolorem sit repellat iure quibusdam.

2011 Professor an der Wiener Filmakademie, Leiter der Drehbuchklasse.

2013 OKTOBER NOVEMBER Er liebt es, in Wien zu leben.